Case Studies

Case Studies Developed by the SWCPEH

Collaborative Project with Baylor College of Medicine, Houston
The SWCPEH has developed a collaborative relationship with Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Medical Center, Houston, to develop interactive educational modules aimed at the pediatric healthcare provider. Dr. Martin Lorin, Professor of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine leads this effort. Limited funding has been provided by the SWCPEH.

Each of the modules below are interactive.

  • Module # 1
    "Children’s Environmental Health: Overview and General Principals and Why Children are Especially Vulnerable to Environmental Toxicants"
  • Module # 2
    Lead Poisoning in Children and What You Can Do in Your Practice.

Case Studies Developed by Other Organizations

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine, ATSDR
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has a series of Case Studies in Environmental Medicine. The newest ones are available on line and can be completed for CME credits. Those that apply to children are listed below. Click on the link that interests you. Other case studies are available but do not specifically apply to children. Check out the ATSDR web site for others including older versions only available in hard copy.

Other Case Studies
The Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit at the University of Illinois has developed an interactive case study regarding Methyl Parathion. CME credits are available for completion of this interactive case study.

EnviroDx is a multimedia, case-focused, computer-based learning program on environmental related diseases.The organizing metaphor for EnviroDx is an exploratory "virtual clinic" affiliated with a busy medical school. The program user takes the part of a practicing physician faced with a patient with an unknown disease or condition that is possibly caused by exposure to environmental factors. There are four case studies at present.
